Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Beep beep make way for headway!

Howdy, been doing a lot of painting lately, but not much updating. Here's a new piece I started this week I have yet to properly name. Flotsam? I dunno... It's 18"x24", my usual acrylic/oil combo. It's very minimalist, but I'm loving the hell out of this piece so far!

And here's a closeup of the face:

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Hurricane Follow-up

I am absolutely thrilled to have power back! When Sandy hit on Monday, John and I were comfortably watching movies together while I painted when the power went out. I cursed, washed my brushes, and hoped for the best. Four days later while waiting for John to come save me from my heavy case of cabin fever, the lights went back on! Since then I jumped back into painting, the only thing I really missed. Except maybe the heat and use of the percolator...

I waaant to say she's done? It's up for critique, for sure! I love how the hair turned out, but the leaves and flower were tricky. I'm still giving those an inquisitive glare.

Haha, oh man, this looks awful at this stage, but, here it is. There will be glowing magical symbols in this one, a halo around her head. It is so far from being done...

Working on some smaller, 4"x4" pieces for my upcoming gallery show at Forest to Shore. Need to do a beastly sized piece as a focal point as well... Gotta brainstorm!