I promised myself I wouldn't make a post about being done until I was actually
done. I just finished my 4 essays just now and so, here's my review space!

It's an indescribable feeling looking at all my work on the wall. I was proud of nearly every piece I did this semester in some way or another, and nothing on the wall was really placed there as a space-taker. Well, except this fine portrait I did of myself for the reviewers:

I got good reviews from all three people, and the only suggestion given was to experiment with different people types, and not just focus on the ideal female figure, and to focus on a little more than the head. But hey, I got some attractive friends and models, what can I say! ;)
I got two pieces into the upcoming sketchbook show: my tiny white sketchbook of figure drawings and my Shaken Baby piece and its process work. I kind of wanted to do a little more to the Shaken Baby piece over the break, but I suppose I can always ask for it back at the beginning of the Spring semester, especially to temporarily varnish it.
After our reviews we kept our Degree Project pieces out for the jury. I was thrilled to find I got 6 pieces in! My Orange and Green pieces got in and all color studies got in, but the red one. Yeah, that was the color study I spent less than 5 minutes on so it's not without good reason... However, Margot wants me to just "finish" that color study and it will get into the show without question. Woot!
After the jury was done we celebrated at Stefan's place, dancing and singing to Mariah Carey as we always do...
It's good to be done. Now I can focus on personal pieces and competitions for a while.